The Dynamic Loop Method
All the tools you need
We do not only talk about dynamizing your HR development. We’ve also packed the whitepaper with the tools and approaches we actually use to make it work.
Dynamic Loop Method
Step-by-step checklist
Find out where you are right now: Is your company set for highly effective leadership development measures? Which Dynamic Loop elements are you already implementing? And what else is needed?
Detailed case-study
We show you the exact steps we took to realize a successful leadership program. Find out how the 5-phase-method works in practice and what exact benefit it can bring to businesses like yours.
This is how it works
The Dynamic Loop Method in practice
3 case studies + 2 continuative ideas!
Dynamic Loop in action!
How to manage stakeholders for L&D success
● Tools for stakeholder identification
● Engagement tips
● Most common pitfalls
presented by
Araceli Higueras
Case Study 1
Break through bureaucracy for fresh innovation
● Program content
● Transfer obstacles and how to tackle them
● Learning transfer structure
presented by
Jason Durkee
Case Study 2
Developing a commercial mindset in the broadband industry
● How to face a certain challenge
● Training design ideas & tools
● A strong network phase
presented by
Sotiri Karagiannis
Unlock full evaluation power!
It doesn’t end with transfer – Hybrid training evaluation for full power programs
● Are you flying blind?
● Scrap vs. hybrid training evaluation
● Powerful evaluation questions
presented by
Melanie Martinelli
Case Study 3
Dynamic Loop in Action – Leadership Journey for Senior Managers
● Training Goal & Setup
● Leadership Journey & Transfer Design
● Project & Communication Structure
presented by
Franz Mair
What customers say
Leadership in a hybrid environment – Program
“A holistic, professionally tailored and massively implementation-oriented journey that has supported us in many ways to mature as a leadership team.”
Leadership Journey at Senior Level
“The collaboration with Think Beyond at the Board, Board-1 and Board-2 levels has not only contributed to and positively supported the ongoing culture change, but has also provided the space for reflection that is generally necessary and important for development and change. With the development measures implemented our existing, limiting behavioral patterns and convictions were not only made visible, but these were also actively worked on and broken up, with the overarching and ongoing goal of sustainable behavioral change.”
Markus Oehlzand, Head of Global Organisational & People Development, Gebauer & Griller
Franz, what does a Dynamic Loop Manager do?
Dynamic Loop Method
Keeping everyone involved and making sure no opportunity for impact and improvement stays undetected! A Loop Manager dives deep into your development program and organizational DNA and is in charge of achieving just the results you need.
Say Hi to Loop Manager Franz and understand what it is that makes Dynamic Loop Development special.