About Stefan

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So far Stefan has created 17 blog entries.

The Significant Value of Difference

2024-08-28T11:17:08+00:00July 15th, 2021|

In an ideal world, everyone we interact with understands us fully and sees the world the way we do. Making life happier, more straightforward, and consistent. The world we live in is the way [...]

Coaching—What is in it for me?

2024-08-28T11:07:06+00:00July 15th, 2021|

There is something very special about speaking with a coach. They listen to you and ask questions like anybody else, you might think, but in such a way that magic happens: We hear ourselves Our [...]

Konfliktarbeit bleibt Chefsache – eine Polemik

2024-08-28T10:45:50+00:00July 15th, 2021|

Immer wieder erlebe ich, dass es bei Konflikten in Unternehmen Bedenken gibt, sich die Bearbeitung der Konflikte in Anwesenheit der vorgesetzten Führungskraft vorzustellen. Ist es nicht schwieriger, sich einem Konflikt zu stellen, wenn die [...]

Why leadership is lacking on partner level

2024-08-28T10:43:29+00:00July 15th, 2021|

It is obvious: the same type of people become partner in a consulting firm or enter the C-level in big companies. ‘Type’ refers mainly to behaviour and habitus, but it is very often accompanied with [...]

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